Washable Durable Large Cooling Pet Mat For Dogs

Цена по акции$19.99
Size: 24"×18"

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Портативный, универсальный и удобный — откройте для себя бесконечный комфорт и радость для вас и вашего щенка! 🐾✨

На диване


На Кровати

Безопасны ли охлаждающие маты для собак?


Причина первая

"Elegear саморегулирующие матрасы" все материалы безопасны, нетоксичны, не вызывают раздражения, не содержат химических веществ.

Причина вторая

Сделанный из высококачественного охлаждающего волокна, охлаждающий коврик для собак Elegear очень мягкий и комфортный для кожи вашей собаки.

Причина третья

Тонкая строчка и прочная структура делают его способным противостоять царапинам и укусам домашних животных, мы используем высококачественный процесс строчки.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 59 reviews
Earline Alinsunurin
Hot panting dog

She loves to sleep on the cooling mat


Absolutely superb mat. Dog (English Bull Terrier) loves it. It's pretty expensive for what it is, and does get dirty quickly...but it works.

A. L. Tucker
Works really well. Great addition for summer

I've been pleasantly surprised by how effective this cooling-tech blanket is.

The pattern makes it more suited to dogs rather than cats but any pet would be grateful of this in the summer heat ahead. You can instantly feel that it feels cooler to the touch than its surroundings and the colour-change effect shows where it is working (e.g. you can put a palm on it for a while and just about reproduce, very briefly, a palm print on it before it changes back to blue).

The family dog has really liked this since it was introduced and this is going to come into its own now we finally have some summer-like sunny days.

The XL option is large enough for pretty much any dog (accommodating a Labrador easily).

The price is relatively expensive for a large dog blanket but seems good value to me considering how well it works. The blanket is also durable so far and machine washable (on cold).

I note that the description says to avoid prolonged use in direct sunlight to keep the cooling effect working - so do heed this before leaving it in a conservatory or something (where it would be needed most), so this restriction of use is a little unfortunate/restrictive.

All fine with our blanket though. No complaints at all. 5 stars from me.

Reliable comfort for your pet

During the peak of summer, my dog usually struggles with the heat, often panting and looking quite uncomfortable. This year, I decided to try a cooling mat to see if it would make a difference. It's refreshing to see how quickly my dog took to the mat, choosing it over his usual spots around the house. The mat stays noticeably cooler than the surrounding area, which seems to provide a lot of relief. He spends more time lounging and less time panting. The mat also remains intact despite his occasional chewing habit, which is a relief knowing it’s safe for him. Cleaning has been straightforward, a simple wipe down does the job.

Hund will sie nicht- ich finde sie klasse :-)

Ja, das ist eine Hundekühlmatte und ja, der Hund war darauf. Genau so lange wie es dauert, dass sich die Farbe der Matte verändert. Ein netter Gag. Danach hat Hund die kalten Fliesen bevorzugt.

Nun war es ja in den letzten Nächten sehr warm.

Daher habe ich die Kühlmatte am Bettende positioniert. Beine(Waden darauf und Augen zu.
Man glaubt es kaum, als Mensch schläft es sich mit gekühlten Waden prima. Absolut empfehlenswert.
Hund bekommt die Matte also nur temporär zurück.

Von der Qualität her ist sie hochwertig verarbeitet. Da hängt kein Faden, da ist nichts unsauber vernäht oder in irgendeiner Form nicht ordentlich.

Ich hätte sie gerne in größer zum Darauflegen in einem menschlichen Bett :-)